Many of you already do this on a regular basis, and the success of the series thus far has been because so many of you have been so awesome about sharing the books with others you know. By organizing an official Street Team, it allows me to reward those of you that are already doing this, and to try to organize some additional activities with the group that will help promote the series.
As a member of the Ancients of Light Street Team, you will be asked to help share information about the books, including –
- Share excerpts, information regarding new releases, Teasers, Trailers, blog posts, contests and other series information via Facebook, via Twitter if you like to Tweet, and via your blog (if you have one and have space).
- Talk about the books with friends
- Share reviews of the books in the series on Amazon, B&N, and Goodreads (only an HONEST review and only as much as you feel like writing - 2 words or 200 hundred – your call)
- Like the Series books on Amazon.com, like my Author pages, add the books on Goodreads, etc.
- Talk about the books and the characters when the opportunity presents itself in online forums (Facebook pages and Goodreads, most likely).
The Benefits
Street Team members that actively participate each month will be entered into a monthly random drawing for gift cards, books, swag packs, etc. The prizes change each month.
Street Team members also receive advanced ecopies of new books in the series, exclusive excerpts, access to Members Q&A sessions about the series, and more.
If you are interested in joining our Crazykins Crew, please fill out the form provided below and I will invite you to join the Fangs & Broomsticks Group on Facebook.
** In order to join you must have read at least one book in the series.
What is a Street Team?
In the Book world, a Street Team is a group of readers that spread the word about an author’s books via social media, book clubs, etc.
Join the Fangs & Broomsticks Street Team
**By submitting this Form, you are requesting to be added to the Ancients of Light Street Team and the Private Facebook Group and consenting to receive related email notifications.